Posted by Paul Weber
The Rotary Board passed a program for our club called the Rising Star Program.  This is a program that many Rotary Clubs are using to attract younger members.  As many of us remember from our younger days, it is not always easy to afford a membership in Rotary.  With the Rising Star program we offer a reduced dues structure for new members 40 years of age or younger. We reduce their annual dues from $225 a year to $100 a year for those younger members whose dues are not paid by their employer.'s up to us to get out and recruit younger members.  The success of our club depends on getting younger members with new ideas and fresh energy.  So, if you know someone who will make a good Rotarian, invite them to a meeting.
But, that's not the only new membership opportunity.  We have also passed the Corporate Membership Program.  This gives employers with 50 or more employees a chance to get more involved in Rotary.  These employers have trouble finding people who can meet Rotary's attendance requirements.  With a corporate membership, the corporation can have 2 to 4 employees join under one membership.  Each week a different one of the employees can attend.  They are charged the dues for one membership and one meal charge each week.  This is a great way to get more people involved.  If you know any of these employers where this would be a good option, let them know about the opportunity.
These new memberships are only effective if we as a club promote them!