Posted by Dave Long
Winter has arrived, and we are thankful?
As we await the impending bitter cold bite of winter up here in the northland, we have to remind ourselves how fortunate we are, to not have the type of weather and wildfire problems that have devastated many parts of the US, and numerous countries around us, in the past months.   
November is a time to slowly acclimate to the drop in the thermometer and is typically a month to reflect and give thanks.  Thanks for all the good things that have transpired throughout the year and thanks to all the people who have made efforts to make our lives, our community, and our world a little bit better … 
But, where to start?   Friends, family, co-workers, veterans, club members?  The list is seemingly endless and the story might be a little bit different for each of us, but we probably ALL have someone or something that we could or should recognize for making a difference in our lives.   And, although we shouldn’t wait for a Holiday to thank those around us… it is an opportunity to make up for any appreciation that may have been overlooked or under-emphasized in the past.  So, take a moment and reflect, and then more importantly, seize the opportunity to act on it.  And… yes, my personal thank you to all the members, directors, officers, and committee chairs who have shared their time and many talents to help serve our club and our community.  Thank You!
Foundation Month
November is also Foundation month for Rotary. So from maybe a different perspective, it is a month to understand that there are many people in our community and throughout the world that count on and are thankful to Rotary and to Rotarians, and thankful to our club, for all the times we provide “service above self”, and for all the ways we are able to follow in the foundation motto of: “doing good in the world”.  As individuals, we don’t always get to hear those thanks, but we need to understand that the projects we support and donations we make provide significant differences in the lives of others, many of which are “life-changing” and sometimes even “life-enabling”.   So, Thank You to all have supported the foundation in the past, and Thank You to all who will choose to support it in the future.