Secretary's Message
The nominating committee is currently recruiting mmembers for Board positions for next year. If you're asked to serve, please step up and help out.
We received news from District Secretary Diane Collins that Dennis Borgwarth, the youngest son of Past District Governor Hanspeter Borgwarth has passed away. Hans Peter has been very active in Rotary and has visitied our club on numerous occasions. Sympathies go out to Hans Peter and his wife Gisela.
As I scramble to get the newsletter out, I'm thinking to myself, "Yes, it's finally my turn". Lisa and I and several other Rotary couples will be leaving for Cabo San Lucas on Saturday. I can't wait to just sit in the sun.
Finally...sell, sell, sell those spaghetti tickets. Last year Dick Carr sold over $2000 worth of tickets. That's a lot of slack to pick up.